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Kids Ministry


We have Kids Church the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday of every month, starting at 10:00am. Our Kids Check-In Area is located right in front of the double doors to our "Kids Wing" hallway on the NW side of our building. We have classes for the following ages:

  • Nursery: 0-2
  • PreK/Kinder
  • 1st -5th

Pre-K through 5th grade all gather together in the Fellowship Hall for a special time of kids worship then break off into their individual classrooms.

The Heart Behind our Childrens Ministry:
Our heart is to create a safe and loving space for all of the children to 1. Learn about Jesus and His love for them,  2. Help them in learning scripture and connecting to the stories of the Bible, and 3. To stir their hearts and affections for the Lord in hopes that they would develop their own love and desire for him from a young age. 

**The 1st Sunday of the month is All-Together Sunday, where the adults and children are all together during service.

**If there is a 5th Sunday in a month we celebrate with Family Sunday, where we incorporate our Kids Worship into our regular Sunday service, with everyone all together. We love Family Sundays!

Our Youth Students (grades 6-12) gather together regularly on Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:00p in our Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday nights are full of fun, fellowship, scripture, and discussion from the bible + around the lives of our students. 

The Heart Behind our Youth Ministry:
Our heart is always to create a safe and loving space for all of the students to 1. Learn about Jesus and His love for them,  2. Spend time in the Word learning scripture and how they can apply it their lives today, and 3. To stir their hearts and affections for the Lord in hopes that they would develop their own love and desire for him. 

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Wednesdays 6:30-8pm

At Wednesday evening Pursuit, we set aside time to dive deeper into what it looks like to know, love, and follow Jesus according to His Word. It is an interactive time of study, worship, and training led by pastors/Elders here at RCW, as well as  other leaders in the Body of Christ here  in Wichita.

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Unique Education, Christian Values

"At Freedom Prep we believe that we have freedom as Americans to teach children in a way that works best for them. More importantly, we know that true freedom comes from salvation through Jesus Christ. We stand on the truth of God's word in every bit of our educational experience and do not compromise based on societal standards of twisted theology."

Education Based In Biblical Truth

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